Saturday, July 24, 2010

Mountaintop or Valley

Mountaintop or Valley?

Isn't it interesting that we usually remember circumstances only if they fit in one of two categories: really good or really bad. Think about it and I believe you will agree. In fact it is quite difficult to remember the details of an ordinary day, since many times they just don't really register.

Do you ever say "Well, I guess nothing important happened that day because I don't remember anything outstanding." Or, "it couldn't have been that important if I can't even remember it!"

There are many benefits and disadvantages about the high days (mountaintops) and the low days (vallies). There is an awful lot to meditate on here. But I want to focus on one thing. If we wake up at all in the morning that is the main thing. Either God's not ready for us or we aren't ready for Him.

No matter what type of day's circumstances occur, every day of life is an extraordinary gift from God and by following His leadership it becomes the best day it can be. What more could we ask for?

"This is the day which the LORD has made! We will rejoice and be glad in it!"
"Rejoice in the LORD alway, and again I say Rejoice!" Philippians 4:4

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