Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Our Christmas Miracle

Our Christmas Surprise – A True Christmas Miracle

It looked to be a very humble Christmas for us that year, in earthly treasures. Of course the celebration of the main reason for the Christmas holiday would be most glorious! My husband was the assistant pastor of a church in New England, and we always had so many festivities planned to remind folks about why we celebrate Christmas. We had the Christmas cantata, and caroling to the nursing homes, a Christmas party for all, and a beautiful candlelight Christmas Eve communion service. Yes, it was tremendously splendid and something we always looked forward to so much.

However, early in November that year I had found myself sitting at the table praying about a Christmas present for my husband. I really wanted to get him a new suit. I had seen an article in a Christian publication that told of how a Christian businessman who owned a men's clothing store actually gave suits, ties, and shirts to missionaries and preachers so that they would always look their best. I had wanted my husband to have a new suit which he so badly needed, since his birthday in June. It was shortly after that when I saw the article about Mr.Tatum. I was impressed to write a letter to him and find out if he would sell me a suit and be willing to take the money in small installments, since I had absolutely no idea when I could pay him back.

As I sat there, I felt like I was begging and my pride would not let me write the letter, so I decided to forget about it. Every time I would go to pray or read my Bible after that, it was as though there was a wall between me and GOD. I knew I needed to try to compose that letter. One day, as I sat there, I realized that my husband was the most wonderful, compassionate, hardworking Christian Man that I knew. I began to write a letter about my husband, telling about his labor and sacrifice for the Lord's work. I ended the letter in this way..." I know these things to be true and oh so much more, for this man is my husband!"

That November ended on a sad note. A dear preacher that we looked up to and was my husband's earthly hero, Lester Roloff, had been killed in a plane crash. Although we knew that he was with the LORD, it would make a difference in many lives that he was gone.

One day in early December, a very large package came to our home from Mr. Jim Tatum. A letter enclosed stated how his heart had been touched by my love for my husband, and he had sent Steve a wardrobe of clothes that had originally been intended for his dear friend Lester Roloff, whom he had dressed for many years and loved so deeply! He said when he saw the size I had given him, he knew immediately that the LORD wanted Steve to have these things. (Of course, he didn't know how special that would be for my husband, until we later told him.) And enclosed with the letter was a very large check to buy presents for our children. He wanted us to have the best Christmas ever.

I was trembling by then and quickly called my cousin, a new Christian, and asked her to come and see what GOD had done! I know this was a great encouragement to her. We were dumbfounded as we pulled out item after item. Two suits, a sports jacket, three pairs of pants, shirts, ties, and even an all weather coat! Beautiful, high-quality clothes that would give him years of wear! But I knew the greatest thing to him would be that they were to have been Brother Roloff's clothes. And the fact that everyting was the exact size, was just too much.

I shared with our Pastor about the Christmas miracle, and he too was so touched by the kindness and generosity of Mr. Tatum. He knew the connection with Lester Roloff would be such a blessing to Steve. Steve actually carried a picture of Lester Roloff in his wallet! My husband loves children, and I think the fact that Brother Roloff loved kids so much and had the many ministries for them, touched his heart, as well as his great, uncompromising love for the LORD.

Well, I was able to do some Christmas shopping for the children, and kept busy with all the activities of the season, all the while so excited about the coming presentation of the gifts. I had held out a tie and a shirt and wrapped them. And then I wrapped the big box, and left it in the basement. I hid a tape recorder under the sofa, so we could catch the comments that were sure to come. Even the children did not know, since I was afraid they would ruin the surprise.

When we arrived home from the Candlelight service, it was time. I stated that I wanted Daddy to open his gifts first. So I took out the tie and handed it to him. He commented on it...then I gave him the shirt...he did make a comment about where did you get the money for this...

I asked my son to come with me and get one more thing. We carried the heavy wardrobe box up the stairs and into the living room, placing it in front of my husband. He said, "Now what is this?" I said just open then the children were making comments such as..."Wow, folks she hit a goldmine! " As Steve began to see the contents of the box, he was overwhelmed, but also fearful that I had done something stupid to pay for this.

"Where did you get the money for this?" he said over and over, until I handed him the letter. Then as he began to read, the tears streamed down his face. He was totally overcome with emotion.

"I have to call Pastor", he said. I smiled to myself, knowing that Pastor was probably sitting by the phone waiting. As he made the call, I brought out all the children's gifts and when he got off the phone, we sat and rejoiced at the goodness of GOD to us.

This happened many years ago, but I never tire of telling it! GOD is good!

Gail Dunbar 2001